The "garden implement" in the title refers to the Rake, of course. I shamelessy thought maybe I could snag a garden(-variety) blog googler by using it. Heh heh.
In other news, Sunday the 16th is Jane Austen's birthday. I love Jane Austen, or to be more precise, I love Jane Austen's novels. Mansfield Park is my favorite, probably because Vladimir Nabokov included an essay on it in his Lectures on Literature that I read along with the novel itself the first time. Good Lord, I sound quasi-literate. Don't let that fool you though, I ain't. But I do like Jane Austen. I'd totally do her.

Anyway, you'll see more here once I meet my guest blogging commitment for the Garden Implement. And apropos of that, the voluptuous yet matronly editor of the Rake Online confided to me that she wants to create a column entitled "The Hoe." You can contact her yourself and tell her what a good idea that is no matter who writes it. Some nascent ideas just intrinsically cry out to be born and that's one of them, just for the title alone.
And finally, speaking of 'nascent,' I looked up the word just now to make sure it meant precisely what I wanted it to mean and found it defined as "emerging." So an idea that's still in the womb waiting to be born may or may not be "nascent," depending on if you believe that ideas exist per se prior to their actual birth. I'm pro-nascent, myself, but I respect other people's opinions, especially if they have big tits.
I'm also prognathic. My gnathic index is 104. If I was a nice guy, I'd include a link on that, but we all know I'm not a nice guy. Just ask the garden blog googlers.
Whew. This writing stuff is hard work.
- Hulles
I is glad you is back.
Thanks, Bee. I is glad to bee back.
I is too, and I's can't wait for installment three.
Lollie, you am the best. XOXOXO.
Funnily enough, I was aware of the word prognathic (and its vicious little brother, the gnathic index)because of a 1959 Isaac Asimov short story entitled "The Ugly Little Boy." Weird how words can stick with you over the course of decades.
Virginia, honey, is that really you? It's been so long! Honest, your mom's child support check is in the mail. [Great, another lost child discovered....]
Only if you were in Bermuda the day Willys-Overland produced the 1,000,000th Jeep. (But send the check anyway)
I really enjoyed your posts for The Rake. Wish installment three would have made it in.
This week Rich is writing!
-totally off blog subject. I need some help. *g*
Daughter and I are going through the second declension genitive singular and nominative case for plural subjects, both case endings in i. Am I right in that you can only tell by noun and sentence construction? ie: Gladii superant. The sword doesn't take the conquering so it's not possessive?
*good god, I'm muddling the hell out of it. Sorry.
Eva Gate: I understand it to be as your said, but who can resist these sites?
Click here: KET | DL | Latin Lit | Grammatica | Cases
Virginia, I can't click on the links? (do you mean there are SITES out there on this? *passes out from joy*)
Eva, you're right, you do tell from sentence construction. If the verb is (e.g) third person plural, then look for a plural noun. That's always a good start.
Sorry about the link. Try typing in this address:
Thank you both! *smooches*
Virginia, that site is fantastic and now bookmarked. Thanks again.
Hello! Good to read you again!
Hulllesss, feliz 2008!
Bjoo do Brasil,
Hulles, it's me!
So I moved my blog to the b-spot a few days ago and I was just compiling my (sadly very thin) list of favorite blogs, so I thought of you. So hollaback a la Gwen Stefani.
And a Happy New Year!
PS. I'm trying to get an internship at the Rake so you should put in as many good words as humanly possible. XOX
Oh, so that anonymous was me. My bad.
Wow, if nothing else, you're prolific.
Your blog is amusing, but you never mention what you do in life. You do complain a lot about being poor. Are you retired and on a fixed income?
How are you?
Hey it's been a year... hope you're doing well, H.
Mosi, you're right, it's been a year. I'm okay I guess. Guess it's time to start writing again.... Hope you're doing well too.
Hulles, Um bom 2009!!!!
bjooo do Brasilll!
Where the hell did you go? I stumble onto your blog, stumble around in increasing amusement, get excited because I think maybe I've found a local blog I actually want to be faithful to. And then discover it's almost two years since you've written! Damn.
Thanks, ConnieL, what a lovely compliment. Actually, I've promised myself to start posting here again this weekend. I have a bunch of stuff stored up in my head, none of it safe. So wish me luck. And thanks again.
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